Coronavirus Update
Update: 10th September.
COVID 19 continues to change all our lives in many ways and Church continues to change too, but we are not going away. The core of who we are - prayer and care - still carries on. The situation is constantly changing so things here will change too. But God does not change. God is with us, sustaining, comforting, strengthening, saving, and we turn to him now as always in prayer, then move outwards into the world to join in his work.
Changes to Services:
The government has allowed Churches to reopen for public worship and, as a PCC, we are working to two Biblical principles as things unfold: loving God and loving our neighbour.
Loving God means that we will continue to worship, offering the best that we have – what that worship looks like will inevitably change as we move ever forward. Loving our neighbour means protecting the Church family from potential infection, in particular those who are most vulnerable to COVID19.
We have developed plans for our worship during the Autumn season, which we hope will continue to feed and sustain us as individuals and a faith community. Please see our services page for details of our temporary online and gathered service pattern
Our regular activities and meetings are also on hold for the time being. Please call 01525 712369 or e mail Lucy@flitwickchurch.org with any queries.
Apart but together:
Please do still get in touch if you need help with shopping, medications etc. Many members of the Church family are ready to serve.
Open Church:
The Church buiding is now open between 9 am and 4 pm daily for private prayer.