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Our Responsibility...

At St Peter & St Paul's we agree that “Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility” and we are committed to make our church safer for everyone – children and adults. We have pledged to follow the Church of England’s Safeguarding guidance "Promoting a Safer Church".


As Christians we are called to recognise and respect the individuality and dignity of all people. We have a special responsibility to safeguard both children and young people entrusted to our care, and all those adults in the who may be vulnerable. 

Our full Safeguarding Policy Statement can be found here

Safeguarding Contacts
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact:

Parish Safeguarding Officer


Jane Thompson




Revd Claire Harald

07549 993416



Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor


Jez Hurst

01727 854107


Other contacts 


Call 999 if a child or adult is in immediate danger of significant or serious harm


National helplines:

NSPCC – 0808 800 5000

Childline – 0800 1111

Stop it Now – 0808 1000 900

NAPAC – 0808 801 0331 

Samaritans – 116 123 

Family Lives – 0808 800 2222

National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247 

Action on Elder Abuse – 0808 808 8141

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