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Regular Services

The Eucharist is at the heart of all we do each week and reflects two things central to our identity: sharing bread and wine together and being brought together as God’s family across age groups.

Regular Services: Image

Sunday Services

School bag sunday 2019 2.jpg

Parish Eucharist 

Every Sunday

(except the first Sunday of the month

where we have our All Together Service)

10:30 am

There is a Sung Eucharist with

organ and choir and all may share in refreshments afterwards.

The service lasts under an hour.

Sunday Groups for children and young people


Sunday Celebration Service

Every Sunday

(except the first Sunday of the month

where we have our All Together Service)


(on the lawn, weather permitting)

An informal, interactive, more contemporary service for all ages.

(Dogs also welcome)


All Together Service
with communion

1st Sunday of the Month


(no 9am Sunday Celebration this week)

A service gathering all people together - no matter your age or stage of life and faith. 

It's a lively, interactive Eucharist service..  a wonderful way to worship God in a slightly different way!

All are Welcome

Find out more about our main Sunday services if you are new here:

Regular Services: Join Us

Weekday Services

Morning Prayer

Monday to Friday at 9:15 am

(except Wednesday, this is replaced by 10am Eucharist)

This short service ensures that prayer is being offered in Church on a daily basis and is open to all who wish to come. Do join us in church as we pray for God’s world and the people of this parish.

Midweek Communion

Wednesdays at 10:00 am

A said service of Holy Communion is held in the Parish Church on Wednesday mornings. Please do join us for this quiet, reflective service; a chance to reconnect with God in the midst of the working week. 

Local Care Homes and Day Centres


A service of Holy Communion is celebrated at Ferndale Residential Home on the first Monday of each month and at Ampthill Day Centre on the third Monday of each month. If these dates coincide with Bank Holidays, the service is held on the Tuesday instead

Our Church building is open every day between 9:00 am and 4 pm if you would like to visit us for prayer and contemplation

Regular Services: Join Us
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We are part of the Church of England in the Diocese of St Albans

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Peter and St Paul's, Flitwick is registered with the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales (Charity Number 1169624)
©2019 by Flitwick Church.

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