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Parish Magazine

The magazine for Flitwick Church

We are planning a special one-off Christmas edition of our Parish Magazine this December.


As has been traditional in the past, we would love to include your Christmas greetings in this special edition of the Magazine.  For the sum of £5.00 we will arrange to print your name and a brief message to all recipients of the Magazine.  All proceeds will go to Church funds.

To take advantage of this offer, please either email your greeting to or post it to the Parish Magazine Editor, 14 Beaumont Road, Flitwick, MK45 1WD to arrive no later than Sunday 14th November.  Remember to include you name and telephone number in case of any queries.


Message Examples:

'Happy Christmas and Happy New Year', Bill Smith & family

'Best wishes for Christmas', Anne & Bill Smith

Music Group: Join Us

How to get the magazine

The current edition is always available in church priced at 50p a copy. A yearly subscription of £5.00 ensures that a copy is delivered directly to your door each month.

Advertising in the magazine

The magazine carries advertisements from many different local businesses and groups covering a wide range of skills and services. 


The magazine has a wide circulation within Flitwick and we welcome enquiries from new advertisers.

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